Contemporary Painter

Studio Blog Posts

Studio Blog which includes news, paintings in progress, personal statements, and any other updates about Karen Silve.

Posts tagged inspired
The Sea & Shore

The artworks in my latest exhibition, The Sea & Shore, Finding Balance, were inspired by the journey I took this past summer from my studio in Provence to Italy, traveling between Venice and the Cinque Terre, where I enjoyed experiencing two shorelines. From the grandeur of Venice to the Cinque Terre’s cliff-side peasant villages, the interplay of these colorful old-world landscapes with the majestic sea created a colorful dance.

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The Venice Painting

After visiting Venice this Spring, I returned to my studio in France and painted these five paintings.

I had never been to Venice, but always wanted to go one day. The day came this year, thanks to the European Cultural Council for contacting me about a possible exhibition opportunity in 2024. I decided to go and check out the ECC and the Biennale that opened in April and continues through November of this year.

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